Credit cards are an easy way to boost your purchasing power. They are used by millions of people worldwide and can be highly convenient. Credit cards offer many benefits when used wisely and can work in your favour financially. That said, if you are not careful, bad credit card discipline can just as easily land you in serious debt.
You may have to consider credit card settlement as a last resort if you cannot pay your dues due to reckless overspending or a loss of income.
Failing to pay your credit card dues is a slippery slope. The interest on your outstanding amount keeps piling up, and you are also charged a late payment fee. It is also important to note that every missed payment drastically affects your Credit Rating. This is where a Credit Card Settlement may offer some respite.
A Credit Card Settlement is an agreement between the cardholder and the credit card issuer where the two parties settle on a one-time lump sum payment in exchange for a complete waiver on all pending credit card dues. The final amount depends on the issuer and your ability to negotiate. It is important to note that a credit card settlement is used in extremely rare cases.
Credit Card Settlements significantly impact your credit score as it indicates irresponsible financial behaviour on your part. The impact is considered bad when one files for bankruptcy. Another important point to note is that a credit card settlement stays on your credit history for at least 7 years and will impact all future credit applications.
You can initiate the credit card settlement process by following the below steps.
Your credit score would have been affected if you had no choice and had to go in for a credit card settlement. However, it is never too late to turn around and begin improving your credit situation. Here are a few steps to slowly and steadily improve your credit score.
Following strict financial discipline can go a long way in improving your credit score. You should set a target score of 750 or above, and following the tips mentioned above should help you get there in 6 to 12 months, depending on your current score.
A Credit Card Settlement should be the last resort if you have exhausted all other means to pay your dues. As mentioned earlier, a settlement is recorded as a black mark on your credit history for a long time. You could still consider the options below to avoid going in for a credit card settlement.
It’s best to avoid getting into a situation where you have to go in for a credit card settlement. Use your credit card wisely and ensure that your monthly bill does not exceed what you can’t afford to pay comfortably. If, for any reason, you do land in financial trouble, take things one at a time and remember it’s not too late to turn things around with the proper means.
Q. Is opting for a credit card settlement a wise decision?
Ans. A credit card settlement should be your last option after you have exhausted all other means of raising money to pay off your dues.
Q. What are the effects of going in for a Credit Card Settlement on my credit score?
Ans. A credit card settlement is recorded as a black mark on your credit history and stays there for 7 years, affecting all your future credit applications.
Q. What is considered a good Credit Score?
Ans. A CIBIL score of 750 and above is considered a good credit score.
Q. How to avoid landing in Credit Card Debt?
Ans. Use your credit card wisely, and spend what you can afford to pay back. Make payments on time and in full.
Q. How can I improve my credit score after a Credit Card Settlement?
Ans. To improve your credit score, continue using a credit card, never exceed 50% of your allotted credit limit, and make payments on time. This will demonstrate responsible credit behaviour to credit bureaus.
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