Credit Card usage has been steadily rising over the past few years and is predicted to do so in the future. Credit cards multiply one’s spending power and can be beneficial when used wisely. That being said, with no restrictions on the number of credit cards you can have, it is easy to get into serious credit card debt.
Credit card companies try to entice potential customers with a slew of discounts on select spends, Rewards Programs, and various Cashback offers. This can be overwhelming, especially for first-time credit card users. If you are in this situation and are looking for clarity on what to choose between credit cards that come with Cashback, Rewards, and discounts for shopping. Read on.
Let’s look at each option to decide what works best for you.
As the name implies, these Credit Cards come with a Cashback offer where you get a percentage of the money spent back into your credit card account. Here are some points to note about these offers.
These Credit Cards usually pay you back in terms of Reward Points. The catch with them is there are typically certain conditions involved to be eligible to earn reward points on certain transactions. Here are some key things to note about these types of offers.
Shopping credit cards are usually a result of a collaboration between credit cards issued and certain service providers or brands. These credit cards offer additional discounts when you use your card to pay at their outlets or when you use select services. Here are a few points to note:
Remember that the finer points may vary from card to card. Read the fine print of each card you are considering carefully.
Some of you may be thinking, “Why not get all three types of cards and reap maximum benefits!”. However, let’s examine the pros and cons of owning multiple credit cards.
When you have multiple credit cards and spread out your spending between them, you are not utilising most of your available credit limit as you would with a single card.
When you use up most or all of your available credit limit, credit agencies consider you a heavy borrower, which can impact your overall credit scores. A good practice is never to utilise more than 35-40% of your total available credit limit, which is easily achievable if you use multiple credit cards. Here are some other benefits of using various credit cards.
Credit card debt is a serious issue. Having multiple credit cards can go from a blessing to a curse in the blink of an eye. This is where you need to pay close attention.
Never spend more than you can afford to pay off in full. Do not fall into the trap of paying only the Minimum Amount Due.
Each type of credit card has its advantages and limitations. So the answer to the question, “Which card is best?” will differ based on your shopping habits and needs. In the end, whether you choose one or decide to go with all three, take cognisance of your financial situation and use them wisely.
Q. What is the smartest way to use credit cards?
Treat your Credit Card like a Debit card. Use your credit card to pay and then pay off the debt immediately. That way, you reap all benefits of the offers and do not have to worry about falling into debt.
Q. Are credit cards that offer reward points worth it?
This primarily depends on your credit card usage. Most credit cards charge an annual fee to use the card. Don’t get a credit card just for the reward points if the value you earn from them is less than the yearly fee.
Q. What is the biggest advantage of cashback cards?
The biggest possible advantage of cashback cards is that everything you receive as cashback is adjusted against the outstanding amount on your credit card.
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