Carrying too many credit cards or splurging too much using your credit cards? Learning how to deactivate credit cards is better, as having multiple credit cards for long periods can be daunting. The procedure to cancel credit cards may vary from bank to bank, but there are some common steps to void a credit card. It’s easy to fall into the debt trap with so many banks offering you credit cards, especially when your credit score is high and your repayment capacity is commendable. So, it’s recommended not to keep numerous credit cards or deactivate the ones you don’t use.
Credit cards come with an annual charge and other fees (monthly/quarterly/annual basis), so why pay for something you don’t want to use anymore? Blocking a credit card requires you to follow a few steps. Credit cards are advantageous in many ways, so you must evaluate the impact of cancelling your credit card on your credit score.
It is advised against cancelling credit cards because it may negatively affect your credit score. However, it may be worth cancelling your credit card if the annual fees and interest rates are high. If you’re considering closing your oldest credit card, take a moment to ensure it’s wise. If the card doesn’t have an annual fee, keeping it in your wallet for emergencies doesn’t hurt. However, if you lose your card, you must know how to deactivate the credit card to avoid unnecessary charges directed towards you.
Before you learn how to deactivate credit cards, make sure that you follow these tips:
There are different ways in which you can cancel your credit card. Various banks follow varying procedures for the same. Here is an outline that can help you deactivate your credit card singing different means:
Step 1 – Contact your bank’s customer service representative.
Step 2 – Request them to deactivate/cancel your credit card.
Step 3 – Send this request to your bank account manager, and a bank staff member will contact you and explain the next steps.
Step 4 – You will be asked for the reason and details for cancelling your credit card. Additionally, the bank may convince you not to deactivate the card/account.
Step 5 – If you have made up your mind, pay your dues, clear pending balances, and deactivate your credit card.
Step 1 – To deactivate a credit card by mail, you must write and mail it to your bank/credit card issuer.
Step 2 – The mail must contain all credit card details and be sent by your registered email to the appropriate department of the credit card company.
Step 3 – You can easily find your bank/credit card company address on your bank’s official website.
You can also deactivate your credit card from the comfort of your home via the bank’s official portal.
Step 1 – Log in to your bank’s official website using your credentials.
Step 2 – Click Credit Cards and select Deactivate.
Step 3 – Complete the opt-out form by entering the requested information and clicking Submit.
Step 4 – After submitting the form, you may be contacted by a bank representative to confirm and further process your request.
Normally, it is not recommended to deactivate credit cards, especially the ones that have no charges attached to them. Closing credit cards may affect your credit rating. But if you’re carrying too many cards with high charges, it is better to deactivate such a credit card. You must follow the tips mentioned above for the procedure on how to deactivate your credit card.
Q. What will happen to the reward points accumulated on my credit card after I cancel it?
Ans.You can use your reward points or transfer them to another card. You can also seek assistance from the bank representatives regarding the same.
Q. Can I deactivate an unused credit card?
Ans.Yes, it is possible, and it’s better to cancel it before you use it to avoid any charges.
Q. How to deactivate a credit card?
Ans.You can deactivate your credit card in various ways, and the procedure may vary from bank to bank. You can write an email to the authorities, visit the branch, contact the customer service department, or put a request through the official website of the bank.
Q. Will deactivating my credit card affect my credit score?
Ans.If the banks signify the reason that the deactivation is customer initiated, it may not affect your credit rating. But if it says that the bank has commenced the deactivation, there could be a negative impact.
Q. Is there a fee for cancelling my credit card?
Ans.No, banks do not charge any fees for voiding credit cards.
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